Safety Tips
Ensuring your safety while meeting new individuals is of the utmost importance. We’ve created this comprehensive guide to help you stay safe online and in-person.

Don’t share your personal contact details
WidowsFire will provide a safe and secure platform to meet and communicate with prospective friends or partners. You can exchange messages within the platform without sharing personal data such as your full name, address, social media tags or email. Never put your phone number or social accounts on your profile.
Be careful what you share, as an example you may not want to tell someone new what your daily routine is, where you work etc. Keep it chatty and casual, talk about interests and hobbies, don’t divulge too much detail initially.
The ‘three words that describe me’ section on the sign-up form is a good way to express a little more about you without revealing to much detail.
Very often people will choose to move to a phone or WhatsApp conversation by exchanging numbers, please only do this when you feel comfortable and ready to take the next step.
Never, ever share passwords, log in details or credit card information.
Be Honest
At WidowsFire we want to create the world’s best fun and flirty platform for all those who have suffered a loss but want no strings attached physical comfort. We are only as good as our members, so we ask everyone to be open, authentic, honest and decent. Please be truthful about who you are and what you are looking for.
When you register, we ask you specify your preferences in the ‘I am looking for’ section. If you just want vanilla sex (which basically means one on one regular sex with no kinks) then be clear about that. If you only want phone sex, tick that, or a ‘Friend with Benefits (FWB)’ tick that. You can click as many or little as you wish, the key is to be as clear and as honest as you can which will avoid confusion and create better matches.
Please treat others politely and with respect. Widows and widowers have all experienced significant loss and pain and may be vulnerable and emotional at times. Please ensure all photographs are recent, are of you, solo not group shots and no rude pictures on your profile please. We do not allow nude photos on the site and definitely no dick picks!
If you do choose to move the conversation to WhatsApp, be mindful of any photos you choose to send or receive. If you receive something that makes you uncomfortable then block the sender on WhatsApp and report and block on WidowsFire or email
Be Aware
Never ever give or offer money to anyone you meet online. Sadly, the internet can be occupied by scammers who will try and exploit vulnerable people extorting cash using sophisticated lies and sob stories.
If anyone asks you for cash, please block and report them so we can remove them from our community.
Once you have been chatting in WidowsFire it may be a good idea to exchange social media profiles (so you can see that someone is genuine and actually looks like their photos). We highly recommend a phone call or video call ahead of meeting someone in person to help you verify who they are and put you both at ease.
Don’t be afraid to do a little due diligence, it makes sense to Google the person ahead of meeting them. Be wary of anything that looks a little dodgy such as unfavourable news articles, social media spats etc.
Meeting Up
Once you are comfortable, have exchanged messages and ideally had a phone or video call, the next (and slightly scary!) step is to meet up. Firstly, relax and take a deep breath! Don’t forget the person you are meeting is probably feeling nervous too.
Always arrange a first meeting in a public place. It is sensible to perhaps first meet for a quick coffee, this relives any pressure and means if you don’t hit it off you haven’t committed to anything significant – there is nothing worse than having to sit through a date if the chemistry isn’t there. Although we are a ‘no strings fun’ site we really don’t recommend a one-night stand as a first date. It is important to know that the chemistry is there and that you feel safe.
It often makes sense to meet soonish rather than spend months messaging as it can help you rule someone in or out. Often people are different in chat / online than in person. Just be cautious.
Always tell a friend where you are going, what time and who with. Text your friend when you arrive and when you leave to let them know you are safe. You may even want to consider using a location app such as Find my Friends or Noonlight so they know your whereabouts.
Always arrive under your own steam, drive or get a taxi. Do not accept a lift until you feel you know and trust someone.
Always think about an exit strategy, if the date or meeting isn’t working out you need to remove yourself from the situation. You could as an example text a friend a code word who then calls with an ‘emergency’ which means you need to leave. Hopefully you won’t need too but it is better to be safe than sorry.
No means no – consent is requested not given. Respect that and if you find yourself in an unsafe situation call the police and alert us so we can remove any members who break the rules from the site.
Use the block and report functions as it is important we know of any issues.
Trust your gut instinct… if something feels wrong it probably is, if in doubt or if you don’t feel safe block and report.
Stay on for initial chats, be very wary of anyone who tries to move the conversation instantly or quickly to another app or exchange numbers to chat. Only share details when you feel comfortable.
Do not click on any links anyone sends you and never give passwords, credit card or bank details.
Be wary of anyone who claims they need money or if anyone says they are trapped abroad, do not send money and block.
We wish you every success in your journey to stoke your widow’s fire. If you want to chat or have any questions, we’ll be happy to help. Get in touch at
Oh, and don’t forget to overhaul your underwear drawer. If you are engaging in a little WidowsFire then it’s out with the aging M&S undies and in with a little saucier Victoria Secrets or perhaps Calvin Kleins underwear – it’s the perfect excuse to spoil yourself!
Finally stay safe, have fun, enjoy every second and play nicely 😉